Sunday, October 03, 2021
Time is not on your side- Jagger lied
We are all just travelers on a road that never ends. As we circle the cosmos, our current story is building on top of every other story we've ever lived. Don't try to make sense of the strange wild trip we are all on, will forever be on. In search of the truth, even if we don't call it that. We might name it something else; love, peace, security, home, belonging. Pick your noun, verb or adjective of choice. It all leads to the same place- back to you~ aka the source.
It has been six months since I last wrote in this column. Most of my energy has been rooted in my podcast that was launch in May of 2020. There is only so much creative juice in the carton, so I have been rationing it.
It is true that we are in surreal times! They likely won't end for another six months.
I suggest that you take paths that please you, and give the opportunity for advancement in love. We are in the season of LIBRA, so balance yourself and learn how to enjoy the infectious environment.
In a short while, (Nov 19th) we will be in Taurus Lunar Eclipse territory. Worth and LOVE will be on everyone's radar.
Learn how to play chess. Grow in love with the game. It is a template to develop how to strategize. Adding this skill to your resume will benefit you tremendously.
Here is a link to the latest episode-(#60!)
Stardust Stereo Astrology Podcast
â’¸Parker McPhinney2021
Photo: Death Valley biker