Sunday, August 04, 2019


Media Blackout the HATE

A bit over the top crazy I'd say. What's going on? Mars is moving to co-join the total solar eclipse point. Remember that one? The one that went across the divide of America? Yes. That means it 'triggers' what is possible in America right now. Mars is tied to violence, and anger not just action. And this point- 29 Leo, is the OrangeSlime's Rising sign. He can fuel the hate, or shut up. Which do you think he is prone to do? What does his history show? And the most important question- What can we do about it? CALL YOUR REPS! Encourage a media BLACKOUT of the hateful words coming out of his mouth. Get busy, the month is early and we still have over three weeks until the exact trigger moment. Encourage people to put down their weapons. 

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