Sunday, July 12, 2015


Straight "F's": Food, Family, Feelings

JULY is FOOD/FAMILY/FEELINGS month. What you put in your head, body, heart has a direct connection to how you "feel". SO many planets in Cancer right now. The Sun, Mercury, Mars- all saying- "what gives you that secure feeling?". You'll be craving that in super doses. WHO you hang with also has a super sensitive factor while we are swimming in the water sign - cancer.

Mars will be in the sign of Cancer all month- even into August. Mars certainly isn't at home there. Tends to 'need' more comfort food. Can be very emotional. About everything, but especially- home, food, family.  So watch it if you are prone to eating eating eating to 'fill up' a void that's really about fear. Create some healthy boundaries around your desires. Sometimes we just have to FACE the fear!  That actually puts you in a place of developing strength; you can begin to work on a solution instead of focusing on 'what if there's not enough food, love, money...'  

I am hear to tell you- We've been here before!~  Last time Mars traveled through the sign of cancer was the Summer of 2013. If you are reading this- you still have a computer and you survived that last two years. See? You do get through it all. Especially since THEN we were in the building of Uranus sq Pluto cycle. Well, its still happening (waning though) and this month we will get a shake up with it- but the difference is that - you've had plenty of practice. So, what to expect?  When Mars gets to the 15-20 degree of Cancer- the tests will begin. Maybe even the FINAL test! Diploma time. (can you be diplomatic enough to embrace the good with the bad?) OR the 'openings for change and new horizons- that actually can set you free!  This will be July 14th - July 22nd. Big stuff then.  That's also the week of a new moon. (new plans around food, home, security, and what feeds you emotionally as well as figuratively). How to sit at the dinner table with people who you don't always share the same political/social/ or even ideology views with. It means you have to just not be emotionally involved with THEIR POV. Let them have the views they want. Keep yours. Be mature emotionally.  All that water cancer energy is moving towards a trine with Saturn in Scorpio-  WE CAN ALL GET ALONG- if we let the past go AND want to.  But if we continue to dredge up that 'story' of the past- no one is ever going to build trust; In the family, community or the world. And sometimes, when you realize there is no meeting ground- best to just cut the ties. Build a strong fence.

Lots of 'family reunions' take place in the summer. (in the northern hemisphere). You can avoid the pain of the past, by not partaking in the foods that upset your stomach. Learn to control your intake.

Bigger picture: Venus (love and money, love of money, love of art, art in money-what you VALUE). 

 Venus is the spotlight planet this month. She's going retrograde.  At zero Virgo.  July 25th.  She does a sweet little twirl in Virgo for just six days- before returning into the sign of QUEEN LEO on Aug 1st.  Sept 5th she stations direct.  Basically, this means- all summer and some of fall she'll be in the sign of Leo. Fire baby fire! Strong emotions around love. Treat your loved ones with royal swagger and in most esteem ever- or ---- just be prepared to be ignored by Queen Leo. Puny efforts at love are not rewarded with this placement. Leo loves romance. Loves, LOVES to be 'courted'. If you can't summons the courage of heart to take a risk on love, then get thee to the outhouse. 

Such fun it will be while Venus is in Leo- as she'll be blowing kisses over to Uranus and he'll be blowing them right back! (this WILL BE FUN!!).........Not to forget that the last thirty days of Jupiter in Leo (not to be repeated until 2027) will add depth to the love bug. Expanded travels can be part of romantic plays. However, Saturn in Scorpio- will keep the frolicking to a sensible level. So if you can't get to Bali just yet, perhaps a weekend to the secret hideaway will have to do!

In matters of art creations- don't skip on the tools you use. QUALITY is the name of the game.  AUTHENTICITY AND SUBSTANCE are what fuels love and creativity for July-Aug. 

As expected we are seeing lots of High end weddings in the news. This will continue. Like I said- Venus in Leo- is very very QUEENLY. 

Uranus will also turn retrograde this month- on the 26th. Excellent time to 'rework friendships and love' a matter of fact expect lots of 'old loves' to return to the picture. A review of what went wrong can maybe mend a fence or two. However as long as Venus, Uranus and Saturn are all retrograde- unless a fundamental change has truly taken place it won't hold.  So review your needs make sure you are speaking the same language and both parties are truly willing to work at having the love expand. Otherwise very deep wounds can be created; they will fester and follow you. So act with up-most awareness ! This is true of business partnerships as well as romantic ones. Also- rework- old art projects! Pull out the 'that didn't work' and see if a new approach can utilize a finish product that you are happy with. Blend a bit of experimental flavor to all your creative endeavors.

 The student of life, that puts heart first, and approaches the next month with earnest enthusiastic effort- doing ones best- that person, will be given straight A's ! Honor Roll (role) status! 



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