Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Marching into April
Here it comes. No place can you escape to~~~ (that's Pisces energy and its all about ARIES NOW!!!). Oh, sure some will try, but they will be sniffed out and hung out to dry. All those tears will get you nowhere now~ it's about standing tall and yelling loud, pointing the chest to the winds, being fearless, calling the bluff, showing your cards and having a devil may care attitude. At least this is what we will be dealing with the first two weeks of April. Especially around the New Moon- 13 degrees Aries on Sunday the 3rd.
On April the 4th, Neptune (the grand illusion) moves into Pisces (more of the same, but with grace and style)and that will help cool off hot heads. Or at least let's hope so! If you aren't training for Olympic Gold, find some outlet that is going to let off the steam.
April Fools day, will be full of the folly of WAR. At 9:50 pm PDT, Mars moves into the warrior's sign, and its home placement: ARIES. This is going to set the tone for the entire month. It is actually extremely favorable in that placement, yet, with the current situation of several countries at war, and AMERICA leading these battles, (who on earth does O-BOMB-A think he's fooling?) the situation could become very dangerous, very fast. For US. Yes, we could actually attract some of that tribal call in our direction. What you put out comes back at ya'....and we seem to be covering lots of ground with our bombs. The earth shaking isn't over yet either! Expect some rollers to happen in 'new' places that normally don't get them- such as - the Southern States. Memphis is actually on a serious fault line. Arkansas also has been making a bit of noise. That general area could come alive with its own fame of rockn' and rolln' earth style.
When the month begins we will have FIVE planets in Fire Aries- ! This means act first think later, and its only a good thing if you are of high intelligence.
It's not all gladiators and blood though. Aries also rules breaking ground with a new level of consciousness, since mercury is also in that sign. It's true it will give you a big mouth, and an urge to debate-everything- but during its retrograde period which is currently: March 30th- April 23rd, you'll rehash some ideas(w/a new slant) that you've been wanting to embrace. WORK IT a bit longer before committing on the dotted line. The impulse to push the gas pedal to the floor is going to be overwhelming, so just keep the tank empty and you'll not be a threat to society.
Surgeons will find themselves very busy this month.
Art work:
Ram’s Head by Georgia O’Keefe