Monday, August 10, 2009


When all else fails: STAY CALM!

This month the nerves will get rattled. Its test time, for those of us who practice minute to minute meditation. For the rest: Shake, RATTLE, and roll with the punches. There will be many occasions this month to feel very insecure. First of all mother nature is going to be striking up a conversation; yet it will be one way- hers.

Why such stern words you ask? Well- today (Aug 10th) Mighty Saturn is getting a challenge from audacious Mars. They aren't likely to see eye to eye on anything, and very likely to be vocal about it, as Mars is in chatty Gemini. Pointing out the practical path will be met with resistance. Best advice- find something you dread doing and do it well, to channel the demands of this particular aspect. Get a head start on school preparation. Not the day for playing in the Sun.

Adding to our serious tone is the fact that Mercury (the mind) is currently in "why wasn't I born perfect?" Virgo. She's marching towards "tow the line or be punished" Saturn. They will meet up on the 17Th. We will be working hard for the money. Those that exercise laziness will suddenly find themselves without a job. The view on our unemployment numbers are likely to be revised. The push will be to highlight the 'steady'- in other words - its not really better yet, but hey, its not worse either- we are just towing the line, holding the fishing pole in the water and even though there's no bait on the hook, hoping to catch one.

The week to watch is the period between Aug 15th and the 22nd.

The first event is the activation of July's Lunar Eclipse point (Capricorn 15) via Venus @ 15 Cancer. She'll co-join the Sun of that Lunar Eclipse. What was promised will come across the desk for review. Do you get the money, reward, love or are you given walking papers and rejection that runs as deep as the Mississippi? Depends on your karma. I think our budget (USA) woes will be highlighted during this period, and more fun with the Jackson's kids and parental rights.

On the 20th there is a New Moon in love love love to love you baby, Leo. Since Venus will also be in a trine to Uranus during that week- its going to be love at first sight, and SITE, great for innovated Web design ideas. Will we think its love that's making the earth move? Just days before that new moon Mars squares Uranus- THE EARTHQUAKE signature! The entire earth can move- but Los Angeles is very much on the radar for a big one. The Solar Eclipse point of 29 Cancer get a bulls eye from Venus on 26th. Luck is with us, and even though the china falls off the shelf somehow it miraculous doesn't shatter- just a chip or a crack that adds to the story while food is being served. We might even get some money from the big hearts in Washington to help our overdraft issues.

Overall its a month to be remembered. Time to go buy a new journal so you can record history.

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