Tuesday, March 03, 2009


what is friendship?

The Beatles sung about them, James Taylor was one, and just today the BBC wrote a piece on how many one should have.
Friends. We are speaking of Friendship. What does it mean to be a friend? How do we develop friendships? - These are important questions to ask as Jupiter travels through the sign Aquarius for the next ten months.
Aquarians are known to be 'a friend to all' - we all can benefit by taking a closer look at the meaning of friendship in our lives right now. Some make friends easily and lose them just as fast. Others have lifetime friends until the end of their dying days. The range is far and wide, but one thing I do believe is true, traveling the roads of life are far more enjoyable when they are shared with another who we call: "FRIEND".
Currently Mercury, Mars, Jupiter Juno, Chiron and Neptune, plus the north node- (point of becoming) all linger in Aquarius, so meeting new friends really should be quite simple. Just go out and join others in doing what you love, or take a class in some area that you've always been curious about. When we gather with those who have similar interests we've made the first step in attracting new friends.
The entire world is going through a shake up, markets are taking a nose dive and IRA's are suffering from a lack of zeros. My solution to counter the stresses of the unsure future is - 'gather 'round ye some friends'.
Just like the Beatles sang in their very famous and much sage advice song:

" I get by with a little help from my friends,I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends,I get high with a little help from my friends, Yes I get by with a little help from my friends,with a little help from my friends"~


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