Thursday, July 31, 2008
double trouble
Ok…….. so you checked in w/ the astrologer coz the energy feels strange……all sorts of dramas going on, Right??? Lots of paths opening and it’s a bit too dark to really see your way- should I go or should I stay?
Yes- sir- it’s a total solar eclipse in royal drama queen Leo. Big deals are made – but kept secret- coz the sun’s got big sunglasses on right now- doesn’t want you to ‘see’ the new plan just yet.
The big event happens AUG 1st @ 3:13 am… if you are in America you’ll have to watch it on the web. If you are in India you won’t want to watch it because it’s considered bad luck. How can a ‘new moon’ be bad luck? Well- in the olden days it was the omen of things to fall (like the king’s head or the astrologer’s if they didn’t get the war prediction correct)………. Thank Goodness those days are over- or are they? Bush’s chart is hit by this eclipse- right at the front door it is- and its knocking LOUD. Sits on his Ascendant. How he ‘presents' himself- and his view of the world is going to change. I also see that it hits the Mrs.’s chart too- Square her Sun (males in the family) and Jupiter. (beliefs. long distanst travel, and higher education) America’s royal family is going to have big news. Big changes. VERY BIG CHANGES. Comings and goings. Maybe more goings than comings. Its a different way of saying - death in the family. Yep. You heard it here first. Someone in that family is going on a big journey. And when they do it will change the view. I think its going to happen before he leaves office. Within this year.
This SE is interesting as it has VENUS also in the sign of LEO and it’s at the degree of the Sun part of the LUNAR Eclipse (FULL MOON) in two weeks. Meaning LOVE* WOMEN* ART* MONEY…DIVAS…….all are highlighted right now- and most importantly- whoever supports you is feeling unsure. Lay the love on. That’s all we can do with the earth shaking and the bank gone dry.
The degree of Venus in the sabian symbols is:
A large camel crossing the desert.
Makes me think that the Middle East is going to be connected to the changes that all eclipses bring.
Where you have Leo in your chart is where you want to begin the fire pit. Burn the impurities out. How to do that? Come clean with yourself…….look in the mirror- ask yourself “WHAT DO I WANT?” Ask this for one hour without allowing any other thought to come in, and you will either go batty or get an answer. The answer might surprise you- as it could be a very simple answer that comes boiling to the surface. Usually though eclipses bring what has been over due- and what we didn’t want to face, coz we were scared. It’s ok to be shaking in your boots (or six inch heels) right now- that’s what you are suppose to do. That means the SE got your attention- which by the way, is all the universe ever asks of us- to pay attention- to the now. It’s harder than you think. Or rather it’s hard because we ‘think.’
Golden rule- whatever answers you get don’t act on them until 3 days after the eclipse. Let the energy settled. That also includes the Lunar one- happening on the 16th of Aug. – so until the 3rd week of Aug try not to DO- just BE. But BE BOLD.
And stay outta trouble if you can, but since there is so much of it going around that’s going to be mighty hard.