Friday, October 05, 2018



Times are going to get stranger.

Venus in Scorpio turned retrograde this am. She's going inward for forty-days and Forty nights. When the love planet is in the passionate sign- that loves secrets, exotic times, and is very resourceful at finding the soul -we can have hope for Senator Collins who just sold out for money. She has time now to reflect on how she turned her back on Women.  Venus is retrograde- so the key word can be: BETRAYAL.  And the discovery of what you actually desire at all cost. And what it will cost you.

The #MeToo movement has just begun. It will go underground and gain strength. One thing that can't be dis-guarded is the women who will find their voice, and go to the polls, become a name on the ballot, and try to lift the energy of the miserable toxic male to a higher state of awareness. To lift humanity to remember that LOVE- DEEP REAL LOVE- is the destiny, not gold. Not lust. Not power. Sometimes you have to seek all those things to realize how empty they really are. They will never lead you to the path of oneness. Only more separation and more craving. Junk food is addictive.

Venus also rules resources. So during its retrograde be sure to guard yours. Discover what it is that truly has DEEP meaning for you. Be brave and touch on truths that give you steel-iron- strength. Face loss head on. Grieve full throttle, and know that this time in your life and in history will change like a stream to a river and make you stronger and taller than you ever thought possible.

Many people (not just women) are looking inward to their wounds to forge a tool of power. To become the maverick you were destined to become sometimes you have to dive into bottomless emotional waters to reclaim your essence. Sometimes it gets ugly and seems to have no light. But the light is there. Waiting for you. You will arrive.

Use this Venus in Scorpio energy to create something from the ashes. Scorpio isn't interested in shades of gray, so use the remains of your awakened but changed heart to manifest a distinct unmistakable statement. To carve a new authentic path.

Retrograde periods always bring elements from the PAST to the front door.  Look before you open. Secure your stance. Be prepared to dissolve from your old ways. Melt- down into a new you. This isn't easy, but can be trans-formative and give you a view/vision you never had before.

During this phase the markets will be a bit crazy. Prepare your psyche. Tune in to your ALL-KNOWING-SELF. Its inside.

Venus will be in Scorpio until  Noon on  HALLOWEEN.   That day she's re-enters back to Libra.  She will remain in Libra until Dec 2nd.  So during the Libra phase it will be a bit lighter in energy. More intellectual towards love and values.  Costumes will be both dark, and Cinderella, depending on which energy (Scorpio or Libra) you link with....or for fun combine them both!

Nov 16th the she planet will turn Direct.  All plans get the green light now.

We are going to see some very strong female energy in the next three months. Like never before. It will be a force to be reckoned with.  Words will not satisfy- only ACTIONS.

This is a challenging time for the rights of women. But I have no doubt who will be standing (and sitting) at the end of it all.  And any seat confirmations that occur now -will be subject to upheaval in the future.  Better eat fast if you sit at a unwelcome dinner table- because you will be ousted the second your bad table manners show.

Venus is also in a tense relationship with Mars in Aquarius all of October. Men and Women will have grave difficulty seeing eye to eye. This aspect stokes the "passion" and attractions will be based on lust and also dislike. Taming of the Shrewd comes to mind. But she won't be tamed.  It is odd how you can feel disdain and sexual attraction at the same time- but you can. War in the bedrooms will be sometime "play-acting" other times- real.

Its interesting that as this aspect perfects- this is playing out in all over our world. What is horse-play vs rape?  When is it not a game anymore but an intrusion? The seat conformation of Kavanaugh is completely mirroring this aspect. 100 percent! Venus in Scorpio is VASTLY stronger than Mars in Aquarius. You can come to your own conclusions how this chess game will end.

On the 8th there is a New Moon at 16 Libra. Try to make some harmony in your world. Team up with like-minded souls. Spend time in joy. See where you do agree and focus on that. Its far to easy right now to just see differences. Seek out the win-win situations in your world.

On the 9th Mercury stalks into Scorpio. Sherlock is on it.

Jupiter is in Scorpio for just one more month. Scorpios you must SEIZE the moment! It will not return for twelve years! What way do you wish to relate differently? What shore do you need to swim to now? Get busy plotting towards it- time is flying! Invest in yourself-in your higher self.

There is no mountain that can't be climbed when you have one pointed focus.

As the truth of - "wherever you go, there you are" rings out, determine for yourself to reach the highest view possible!

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