Friday, May 05, 2017


finding your sunshine on a cloudy day

The moon's north node is moving into LEO.... time to find your sunshine. 

What are the nodes?  They are points - not planets-.... very important points in the astrological wheel that give us some big hints as to where we need to grow and with whom and how.

The North Node can point to what you need to develop this lifetime, South Node is considered to show what you have perfected already.  Think of it as a very important intersection- which you need to pay attention during the crossing of.

The transiting nodes are now about to shift signs. 

The last time the north node entered 29 Leo was Oct  21st 1998. They travel backwards through the Zodiac.  Since the Nodes are always are polar opposite- the South node was in Aquarius. They stayed in this axis until April 2000.

THINK BACK...... I know its hard to remember as you get older the events going on decades ago- but KEY events are easy to remember.  What made you SHINE then?   We are in a new cycle of polishing off our dust, and discovering our sunshine.

 The transiting nodes have been traveling through the Virgo/Pisces axis... So we've BEEN discovering how to work better, smarter, with finer details for many years now. Time to put the skills you've honed to use and display your leadership and performance traits.

This shift is huge- and its will begin on May 10 2017.

Since Leo is ruled by the Sun- look to your birth Sun sign to get clues in HOW to shine. This will not upstage your birth node placement..(which likely will be different) just adds more information to the plot of how you can be more of you.....and allow your SUN SIGN to lead you.

 Also what HOUSE the nodes are currently traveling through explores the area where you can get your glow on. Unless you know your birth chart, you'll need an astrologer for this.  Check where 29 Leo falls in your birth chart, combine that house and its opposite with your Sun sign info and you've got a good start in manifesting some sparkle, zip and zap to your life.

I find that usually one is DRAWN naturally to the areas that we can develop. The trip up is when we give up before getting GOOD at what we begin.  People seemed to be naturally wired to get frustrated if they don't get A's the first go around. If the approach is changed to understanding that WE WILL be good one day at a time, and applying PLAY to the project and not PRESSURE it gives sunshine on a cloudy day.  We move the clouds away with our attitude.

The thing to also take in is that the Eclipses will now be focused on this Leo/Aquarius axis.

Prepare now- months before the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo at 29 degrees- to how you wish to birth - yourself into a new being.... its not always comfortable. Do not give up. How can you be a higher person? Find this out for yourself before the eclipse comes. Ask your self who your role models are- and pick a trait they express which you admire.... try to follow that.

I have been reading a really great transformative book.

"THE WAVE"  By Sonali Deraniyagala. She's one amazing woman. Her life was turned inside out upside down and forever set on a different path by the Tsunami that hit Sri Lanka in 2004. You know, the largest natural disaster to ever befall. 240k people left with that wave. She lost her parents, her husband, her two young children. One moment you are having vacation memories, the next you do not have a family anymore. Puts life in perceptive.  Puts pain and struggle in perspective. Be thankful if you do not have to bear such suffering in this life. I learn from how those who are dealt such trials manage to find the sunshine again.

Many on earth have to suffer huge huge losses. If we can listen to their stories we can grow in the heart and suddenly our own life seems blessed beyond belief.

The Tsunami that hit Sri Lanka and Thailand in 2004 was an event that on an astrological level - is tied to Mars triggering a previous Solar Eclipse. Nov 23 2003 there was a Solar Eclipse at '0' Sag. The day of the wave- Mars moved into '0' Sag. Mars has this placement every two years, however so close to the previous Solar Eclipse position made it a 'trigger' for a huge mundane event.  It was also the day that the nodes were in the critical degree of Zero Scorpio- about to move back into Libra (they travel backwards remember). This is why I am always going on about Mars triggering Eclipse points. Eclipses are ACTIVE long past the day they occur.  They do not always have tragic manifestations- but they DO change the direction of our lives!  And often are seen to bring events into the world that become headlines.

Mars in the sky is now moving to trigger the Lunar Eclipse of Sept 2016.... this will happen the last 10 days of May. So you can review what you need to let go of- now, to make room for a new beginning. Old belief systems come to mind- as that Lunar Eclipse was in the sign Pisces tied to what we believe. We might see some wacky weather, and words too!  People are really hot headed these days... Mars is in Gemini and so this triggering of the Pisces Lunar Eclipse of 2016 will demand that you make friends with compassion and TRUTH in order to not drown in the swamp of depression and doubt.  On the up swing you can use your imagination to its fullest and a bit of sarcastic dark humor will go far.

This month Mars will also be in a hard aspect to Neptune...this brings forth a great imagination- but also for those with forked tongues gives double talk. Listen carefully to what is being promised around  May 9th- 20th.  People will promise the moon while only being able to deliver the burnt out bulb. Do not be gullible, if its too good to be true...............then triple check or walk away. Mars will also make flowing energy to we really can all get along- as long as we zip the harsh words. This is a great aspect for company projects - that allow for a ROUND TABLE...pass the ideas around and try many.

ALL month Venus is in me first Aries. Be brave in love. See youthful cheerfulness as a joy but not a long term commitment to ever after. Aries is very much smitten but only at first bite. You can have lots of first bites in May.

On May 25th there is a new moon at five degrees Gemini.... so get your double sunshine on... move the fingers and the toes and dance your way past the clouds... fast moving fingers of Steve Ray Vaughan will help you with a double trouble sunshine sort of day!

 Sunshine in the rain storm music

photo credit- c. parker mcphinney 20017

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